Just for Laughs

K-Pop Music Videos Is My Architecture Escape...

In an industry that heavily depends on visuals, aesthetics and appearances, it would be an understatement to say that Korean Pop Music (aka K-Pop) industry is very extra. Although I’m not a hardcore enthusiast of the K-Pop music industry, I still find myself drawn to their efforts. There have been many times when dinner table conversations at a Korean restaurant have been interrupted by captivating images of their music video on the television hanging by the corner. K-Pop somehow embodies some of those fantastical elements that may be kitsch yet enticing. Not to mention, the ensemble of staging, storyline and styling has offered a window of escape into an alternative form of architecture appreciation when I need a break from reality.

And so, I thought it would be fitting to highlight some of my favourite music K-Pop music videos that I enjoy revisiting for various reasons.

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Letters to Artists // Dear Louise Bourgeois

Dear Louise Bourgeois,

I’ve been dying to invite you to my dinner table - where it will be just the two of us within a humble kitchen. We would feast on stories about memories of heartbreak, grief and family conflict while enjoying the food magically prepared before us.

Whether it’d be a letter, an email or a video introduction, I have always wanted to write to you in many ways. Whenever I come across the trivial question “Who would you like to have dinner with?” without a doubt, you would always be the very first guest.

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Letters to Architects // Dear Robin Boyd

Last year in December, I embarked on my first solo trip to Japan. I visited Osaka's Expo 70 site. Yes, I saw the sizeable child-star statue (I did not realise that the figure had another face at the back!). I went to the lone standing pavilion (Pavilion of Technology, I believe) and saw a collection of all the exhibits and items that were displayed in the exhibition. When I saw Australia's artefact, my heart broke at the preserved Corals from the Great Barrier Reef. Given the state of it now, who would have thought that we could be so destructive to our landscape?

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Letters to Architects // Dear Le Corbusier...

Dear Le Corbusier,

I have been meaning to tell you… you are a frustrating architect I cannot escape from.

It all started in first-year of architecture school when our communications teacher assigned us a building to rebuild with Rhino. Guess what I’ve got: your infamous Villa Savoye.

I know. I know. I was fortunate in getting that building – that my friends and I could rebuild it with ease. While I was rebuilding Villa Savoye, what were your clients thinking when they were forced to compromise with living in an experimental house? How did they feel about the ramps and the spiral staircase (which was a pain to remodel)? What did they think of the bathtub (the photos make the bathroom look tiny)? Just how did they cope?

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A Routine to Fulfil - A List.

This morning, I caught up on one of my favourite author’s (Rupi Kaur) writing workshop. I’ve been stuck in a writing block and rut for a while, and so participating in these has really opened up floodgates of inspirational ideas. One part of the workshop included writing list poetry - which is one of my favourites. Coincidentally, I’ve illustrated snapshots highlighting my current routine at home! Highly recommend budding writers to give the workshop a go!

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Just for Laughs: Job Hunting Be Like This Sometimes

In light of my rather glum entry about unemployment, I decided to put a lighter note to this.

After speaking to my mentor on the importance of networking, I illustrated some of my experiences and feelings of job hunting*. Due to the unfortunate events of the market as of late, the competition of finding a job increased, and it’s not making it easier.

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